Holdfast, a company out of Oklahoma, USA has developed a Miami Vice-inspired camera carrying system that focuses on materials, craftsmanship and fashion, as opposed to meeting price points.
We spoke to Matt Swaggart, founder of Hold Fast, about his “Moneymaker” strap system recently and asked how he developed the idea. As a working wedding photographer, Swaggart found that many of the straps on the market did not support his camera rig effectively, putting too much strain on his body. Enamored with Don Johnson’s famed “Jackass” shoulder holster from Miami Vice, Swaggert decided to develop his own system modeled on that design, but specifically tweaked to support two to three cameras and employing quality materials and craftsmanship.

Although we haven’t had a chance to test the support system ourselves, we were able to inspect the various styles and materials and found them to be aesthetically compelling. In fact, they’re a real fashion statement when worn outside of a protective jacket.
All this fashion and craftsmanship do come at a cost, the base model starts at $200 and goes up fast for their hand tooled and painted models, or if you’re looking to utilize more exotic strap material such as python skin – just gorgeous.